work The Great Wilderness Car Wash ExperienceBrand ExperienceImmersive Staging | Hamburg | 2024The Great Wilderness Car Wash Experience OldendorffBrand Experience100th anniversary celebration | Lübeck | 2022Oldendorff Bunker Valentinimmersive exhibitionsPermanent Exhibition for Denkort Bunker Valentin | Bremen | 2023Bunker Valentin MehlWeltenall projectsLight Art Object | MehlWelten Museum Wittenburg | 2023MehlWelten Common GroundArt ProductionVivid Sydney | Australia | 2023Common Ground IthraArt ProductionCelebrating the big moment for Ithra's Eid | Dharan | Saudi-Arabia | 2023Ithra Villa d’EsteBrand ExperienceGala Show for Concorso de Eleganza Villa d’Este | Lake Como, Italia | 2022Villa d’Este TabakquartierArt ProductionLife Art Performance for the Opening of Zentrum für Kunst | Bremen | 2023Tabakquartier Digital Dialogues 2Art ProductionDanceprojection for TANZ Bremen | Bremen | 2022Digital Dialogues 2 Piagetall projectsImmersive projection cabinet for Pop-up store | Dubai | 2022Piaget FALKEall projectsProjection Display for FALKE Showroom | Düsseldorf | 2021FALKE 75 years of democracy in Hessenall projectsFaçadeprojection for the Hessian State Parliament | Wiesbaden | 202175 years of democracy in Hessen Digital DialoguesArt ProductionDanceprojection for TANZ Bremen | Bremen | 2021Digital Dialogues #everynamecountsArt ProductionDigital memorial for the victims of National Socialism | Berlin | 2021#everynamecounts KLEIST FORUMArt ProductionJubilee Celebration and Season Opening | Frankfurt Oder | 2021KLEIST FORUM DIDO UND AENEASArt ProductionLive opera performance with stage designs by students | Hamburg | 2020DIDO UND AENEAS ELBPHILHARMONIEBrand ExperienceLaunch of the new Telekom business campaign | Hamburg | 2020ELBPHILHARMONIE DIE WUNDERMASCHINEArt Production360 degree spatial experience | Wuppertal | 2019DIE WUNDERMASCHINE 2D – Dramatic DimensionsArt ProductionMedial Dance Performance2D – Dramatic Dimensions 30 JAHRE FRIEDLICHE REVOLUTION – MAUERFALLArt ProductionSix Façade Projections | Berlin | 201930 JAHRE FRIEDLICHE REVOLUTION – MAUERFALL SPEKTRUMArt ProductionMedia Scenography | Theater Bremen | 2019SPEKTRUM FINSTERWALDArt ProductionImmersive Projection Installation | Grimmwelt Kassel | 2019FINSTERWALD KONTRAArt ProductionFaçade projection | Blaue Nacht Nuremberg | 2019KONTRA CANVASArt ProductionInteractive Permanent Installation | Stadtteilbibliothek Köln-Kalk | 2018CANVAS WUNDERBAR TOGETHERall projectsOpening the Year of German-American Friendship 2018/19WUNDERBAR TOGETHER SUPERPOSITIONArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Opening of Deuschlandjahr USA 2018/19SUPERPOSITION CAPITAL SKETCHESArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Berlin leuchtet 2018CAPITAL SKETCHES DIAMONDobjectsSpatial Installation | NEC Display Solutions | ISE 2018DIAMOND CROSS HATCHArt ProductionSite-specific illumination | Luminale 2018CROSS HATCH NIGHT OF THE CHALLENGERBrand ExperienceImmersive Brand ExperienceReveal Show Caterpillar Malaga 2017%h3>NIGHT OF THE CHALLENGER PRESENT TENSEArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Luxembourg Light Festival 2017PRESENT TENSE ROOTS ‘N’ VISIONSArt ProductionParticipative Art Project | Bremen 2017ROOTS ‘N’ VISIONS PULVERMÜHLEobjectsAugmented SculpturePulvermühle Hamburg 2017%h3>PULVERMÜHLE INHOMOGENOUSArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Schlosslichtspiele Karlsruhe 2017INHOMOGENOUS CITYSCAPEobjectsAugmented SculptureExpo Real 2017%h3>CITYSCAPE SMALL TALKSArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Goethe Institut Krakow 2016SMALL TALKS DIGITAL DERBYBrand ExperienceInteractive Projection | Telekom | Düsseldorf & Cologne 2017DIGITAL DERBY SLICESBrand ExperienceImmersive Projection Installation | Amsterdam 2017SLICES ROBOTSBrand ExperienceExploration Project | CeBIT Hannover 2017ROBOTS CRYSTAL CLOUDArt ProductionFaçade Projection | Fête des Lumières 2016CRYSTAL CLOUD 125 YEARS OF DYNASTYBrand ExperienceFaçade projectionLight Nights Luxemburg 2016%h3>125 YEARS OF DYNASTY Horst-Janssen-MuseumArt ProductionFaçade Projection Night of the Museums Oldenburg 2016%h3>Horst-Janssen-Museum KUBUSArt ProductionFaçade Projection Weißenstadt 2016%h3>KUBUS Point Line Surface SolidArt ProductionFaçade projection | iMapp Festival Jury Prize 2015Point Line Surface Solid KLUBHAUS ST. PAULIall projectsMedia Façade Hamburg 2016Media Façade Hamburg 2016%h3>KLUBHAUS ST. PAULI IMAGO FLORISBrand ExperienceInteractive video mapping performance | Fleurop-Interflora World Cup | Berlin 2015IMAGO FLORIS GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2015achievementsWinner in the Category Light ArtGERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2015 BIKINI BERLINBrand ExperienceFaçade Projection | Berlin 2014BIKINI BERLIN SOLANUMobjectsAugmented SculptureJW Marriott Houston Downtown 2014 & 2016%h3>SOLANUM IN NEMOArt ProductionFaçade ProjectionBusan Film Festival 2014%h3>IN NEMO ATELIER DER ZUKUNFTBrand ExperienceFaçade projection | swb Bremen 2014%h3>ATELIER DER ZUKUNFT WIRED MAGAZINEtimeline320° Licht on wired.comWIRED MAGAZINE THE CREATORS PROJECTtimelineCreating a cathedral of light inside a gas tankTHE CREATORS PROJECT ZDF HEUTE JOURNALtimeline320° Licht broadcast on TV newsZDF HEUTE JOURNAL 320° LICHTArt ProductionA spatial experienceGasometer Oberhausen 2014%h3>320° LICHT OBJEKT VobjectsAugmented SculptureNational Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2013%h3>OBJEKT V BUNTES GOLDArt ProductionFaçade projectionChamber of Commerce Bremen 2013%h3>BUNTES GOLD A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONYArt ProductionA textile sculpture augmented with projectionsInternal Workshop 2013%h3>A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONY RED NEVER FOLLOWSobjects555 KUBIK at Saatchi GallerySaatchi Gallery London 2015%h3>RED NEVER FOLLOWS STOLON: AUTUMNAL EQUINOXtimelineEssay: The Point in the MovementSTOLON: AUTUMNAL EQUINOX GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2013achievementsNominationGERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2013 26th FLOORobjectsAugmented sculptureFour Seasons Beirut 2013%h3>26th FLOOR SEARCHLIGHTBrand Experiencemoving head projector | research studyMoving Head Projector | Research Study 2013%h3>SEARCHLIGHT URBANSCREEN meets Leicatimeline3D Scanning cooperationURBANSCREEN meets Leica stripesArt ProductionLightfestival at Neustadt am Rübenberge 2012%h3>stripes GERMAN DESIGN AWARDachievementsGerman Design Council | Nomination 2012GERMAN DESIGN AWARD CENTENNIAL SPECTACLEArt ProductionAn audiovisual anniversary celebration100th Anniversary Rice University%h3>CENTENNIAL SPECTACLE COMMENDATION IN THE NEW YORK TIMESachievementsThe seductive power of the mediumCOMMENDATION IN THE NEW YORK TIMES WORLD ARCHITECTStimelineURBANSCREEN Q&AWORLD ARCHITECTS SYDNEY OPERAArt ProductionLighting the sails I VIVID Sydney 2012Lighting the sails I VIVID Sydney 2012%h3>SYDNEY OPERA Our new baby…timeline... is a Makerbot!Our new baby… IDENTIDADEArt ProductionURBE - Mostra de Arte Pública | Sao PauloPrefeitura of Sao Paulo 2012%h3>IDENTIDADE GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2011achievementsWinner in the Category: Light ArtGERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2011 COHERENT STATESArt Production3rd Projection Biennale | Bad RothenfeldeLichtsicht 2011%h3>COHERENT STATES EXPOSE 2011Brand ExperienceP&C flagshipstore opening event in ViennaPeek & Cloppenburg 2011%h3>EXPOSE 2011 MQ10Art ProductionArchitectural staging of the Leopold Museum10th anniversary MQ Vienna 2011%h3>MQ10 INTERNATIONAL COLOR SYMPOSIUM 2011achievementsA lecture in Israel’s most colorful cityINTERNATIONAL COLOR SYMPOSIUM 2011 IDOMENEOArt ProductionOperatic stagingTheater Bremen 2011%h3>IDOMENEO URBANSCREEN@HKB BERNtimelineMaster class workshopURBANSCREEN@HKB BERN WHAT IS UP?Art ProductionA virtual site-specific theatreInternational Festival of Arts “Grenswerk” 2010%h3>WHAT IS UP? ADC AWARDachievementsArt Directors Club Germany | SilverADC AWARD ADC*E JUDGINGachievementsArt Directors Club Europe | NominationADC*E JUDGING CANNES LIONSachievementsCannes Design Lion | SilverCANNES LIONS SPACINGArt ProductionA site-specific scenographic stagingInternationale Tanztage Münste 2010%h3>SPACING EXHIBIT!Art ProductionWorkshop on videomapping in urban spaceProjection Mapping Workshop 2010%h3>EXHIBIT! LAND DER IDEENachievementsSpiegelbilder | BremenLAND DER IDEEN WHY CINEMA NOWArt ProductionRe-invent everything from scratch?Thessaloniki International Film Festival 2009%h3>WHY CINEMA NOW GLANZSTÜCKArt ProductionSparkling ruines at the Rheinpartie festivalRheinpartie 2009%h3>GLANZSTÜCK KREISROTArt ProductionBAUHAUS celebrating 90th anniversaryBauhaus 90th anniversary 2009%h3>KREISROT GRENZFLÄCHEArt ProductionSkin - a sensible boundary layerViertelfest Bremen 2009%h3>GRENZFLÄCHE DOCKVILLEArt ProductionAdornment of industrial relictsDockville Festival 2009%h3>DOCKVILLE 555 KUBIKArt ProductionHow it would be if a house was dreamingGalerie der Gegenwart Hamburg 2009%h3>555 KUBIK TAG | NACHTArt ProductionVirtual theatre performance"Blaue Nacht" festival Nuremberg 2009%h3>TAG | NACHT P.O.P.Brand ExperienceObject related 360⁰-projection researchObject related 360⁰- projection research 2009%h3>P.O.P. SPIEGELBILDERArt ProductionComtemplation vs. information overloadProtestant Church Congress Bremen 2009%h3>SPIEGELBILDER GOODBYEArt ProductionRaising curtains for virtual stage-designTheater Bremen 2009%h3>GOODBYE INSEKTIONArt ProductionAnts breaking down a houseViertelfest Bremen 2008%h3>INSEKTION GERMAN AWARD OF FOUNDERSachievementsTop Prize 2007GERMAN AWARD OF FOUNDERS JUMP!Art ProductionAdventure facade parcoursViertelfest Bremen 2007%h3>JUMP! PINWALLArt ProductionFacade becomes an interactive gaming boardViertelfest Bremen 2007%h3>PINWALL WORLD IN A BOXArt ProductionA visual interpretation of hanseatic tradingBLG Logistics 2007%h3>WORLD IN A BOX SLIDE PROJECTIONSArt ProductionFaçades in elegant evening gownsBremer Stadtbibliothek 2007%h3>SLIDE PROJECTIONS FENSTERLICHTERArt ProductionA meeting on the house's ledgeViertelfest Bremen 2006%h3>FENSTERLICHTER YEAR OF MATHSArt Productionslide-installationYear of Mathematics 2008%h3>YEAR OF MATHS SPEECHall projectsWhy are you so quiet?SPEECH STEINTOR FACADEArt ProductionInteract with your urban surroundingBremer Viertel 2004%h3>STEINTOR FACADE WINGS VIOSOtimelineFinest media-server technologyWINGS VIOSO PUBLITECtimelineThey´ve got it all ..PUBLITEC EPSON GERMANYtimelineProjection solutionsEPSON GERMANY IM-ENtimelineOur media engineering specialistsIM-EN LEICA GEOSYSTEMStimeline3D laser scanning technologyLEICA GEOSYSTEMS
The Great Wilderness Car Wash ExperienceBrand ExperienceImmersive Staging | Hamburg | 2024The Great Wilderness Car Wash Experience
Bunker Valentinimmersive exhibitionsPermanent Exhibition for Denkort Bunker Valentin | Bremen | 2023Bunker Valentin
Villa d’EsteBrand ExperienceGala Show for Concorso de Eleganza Villa d’Este | Lake Como, Italia | 2022Villa d’Este
TabakquartierArt ProductionLife Art Performance for the Opening of Zentrum für Kunst | Bremen | 2023Tabakquartier
75 years of democracy in Hessenall projectsFaçadeprojection for the Hessian State Parliament | Wiesbaden | 202175 years of democracy in Hessen
#everynamecountsArt ProductionDigital memorial for the victims of National Socialism | Berlin | 2021#everynamecounts
DIDO UND AENEASArt ProductionLive opera performance with stage designs by students | Hamburg | 2020DIDO UND AENEAS
ELBPHILHARMONIEBrand ExperienceLaunch of the new Telekom business campaign | Hamburg | 2020ELBPHILHARMONIE
WUNDERBAR TOGETHERall projectsOpening the Year of German-American Friendship 2018/19WUNDERBAR TOGETHER
NIGHT OF THE CHALLENGERBrand ExperienceImmersive Brand ExperienceReveal Show Caterpillar Malaga 2017%h3>NIGHT OF THE CHALLENGER
DIGITAL DERBYBrand ExperienceInteractive Projection | Telekom | Düsseldorf & Cologne 2017DIGITAL DERBY
125 YEARS OF DYNASTYBrand ExperienceFaçade projectionLight Nights Luxemburg 2016%h3>125 YEARS OF DYNASTY
Horst-Janssen-MuseumArt ProductionFaçade Projection Night of the Museums Oldenburg 2016%h3>Horst-Janssen-Museum
Point Line Surface SolidArt ProductionFaçade projection | iMapp Festival Jury Prize 2015Point Line Surface Solid
KLUBHAUS ST. PAULIall projectsMedia Façade Hamburg 2016Media Façade Hamburg 2016%h3>KLUBHAUS ST. PAULI
IMAGO FLORISBrand ExperienceInteractive video mapping performance | Fleurop-Interflora World Cup | Berlin 2015IMAGO FLORIS
GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2015achievementsWinner in the Category Light ArtGERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2015
A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONYArt ProductionA textile sculpture augmented with projectionsInternal Workshop 2013%h3>A TALE ON TEXTILE – THE COLONY
SEARCHLIGHTBrand Experiencemoving head projector | research studyMoving Head Projector | Research Study 2013%h3>SEARCHLIGHT
CENTENNIAL SPECTACLEArt ProductionAn audiovisual anniversary celebration100th Anniversary Rice University%h3>CENTENNIAL SPECTACLE
SYDNEY OPERAArt ProductionLighting the sails I VIVID Sydney 2012Lighting the sails I VIVID Sydney 2012%h3>SYDNEY OPERA
IDENTIDADEArt ProductionURBE - Mostra de Arte Pública | Sao PauloPrefeitura of Sao Paulo 2012%h3>IDENTIDADE
GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2011achievementsWinner in the Category: Light ArtGERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN PRIZE 2011
COHERENT STATESArt Production3rd Projection Biennale | Bad RothenfeldeLichtsicht 2011%h3>COHERENT STATES
EXPOSE 2011Brand ExperienceP&C flagshipstore opening event in ViennaPeek & Cloppenburg 2011%h3>EXPOSE 2011
INTERNATIONAL COLOR SYMPOSIUM 2011achievementsA lecture in Israel’s most colorful cityINTERNATIONAL COLOR SYMPOSIUM 2011
WHAT IS UP?Art ProductionA virtual site-specific theatreInternational Festival of Arts “Grenswerk” 2010%h3>WHAT IS UP?
SPACINGArt ProductionA site-specific scenographic stagingInternationale Tanztage Münste 2010%h3>SPACING
EXHIBIT!Art ProductionWorkshop on videomapping in urban spaceProjection Mapping Workshop 2010%h3>EXHIBIT!
WHY CINEMA NOWArt ProductionRe-invent everything from scratch?Thessaloniki International Film Festival 2009%h3>WHY CINEMA NOW
555 KUBIKArt ProductionHow it would be if a house was dreamingGalerie der Gegenwart Hamburg 2009%h3>555 KUBIK
TAG | NACHTArt ProductionVirtual theatre performance"Blaue Nacht" festival Nuremberg 2009%h3>TAG | NACHT
P.O.P.Brand ExperienceObject related 360⁰-projection researchObject related 360⁰- projection research 2009%h3>P.O.P.
SPIEGELBILDERArt ProductionComtemplation vs. information overloadProtestant Church Congress Bremen 2009%h3>SPIEGELBILDER
WORLD IN A BOXArt ProductionA visual interpretation of hanseatic tradingBLG Logistics 2007%h3>WORLD IN A BOX
SLIDE PROJECTIONSArt ProductionFaçades in elegant evening gownsBremer Stadtbibliothek 2007%h3>SLIDE PROJECTIONS
STEINTOR FACADEArt ProductionInteract with your urban surroundingBremer Viertel 2004%h3>STEINTOR FACADE